Youth Villages stories

Youth Villages on quest to find Holiday Heroes throughout several states

Nov 1, 2017


CONTACT:  Crissy Lintner, Director of Marketing and Communications, Youth Villages
901-251-4832 (office) or 901-461-3139 (cell);

MEMPHIS, TENN. (Nov. 1, 2017) – Youth Villages is seeking Holiday Heroes for children in various    programs throughout several states, including Georgia, Indiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oregon and Tennessee.

A Holiday Hero helps fulfill the holiday wish list for a child who has experienced trauma or has a history of emotional or behavioral health issues. To become a Holiday Hero, individuals, families, or groups, such as businesses or church congregations, may request a child’s wish list by visiting and selecting the specific state. Holiday Heroes also have the option to donate or shop to fulfill youth holiday wishes.

A $100 donation will cover a child’s complete holiday wish list. However, Youth Villages is thankful for any donation amount. To donate to the Holiday Heroes fund, please visit 

About Youth Villages
Youth Villages is a private nonprofit organization that helps more than 25,000 of America’s most vulnerable children and families each year in 123 states. It is one of the largest providers of children’s behavioral services in Tennessee. Youth Villages has been recognized by Harvard Business School and U.S. News & World Report, and was identified by The White House as one of the nation’s most promising results-oriented nonprofit organizations. For more information about Youth Villages, visit


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Give your time, talents, and love for youth in various ways such as volunteering at a YV event, mentoring a young person, or even running a race


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